it may well be, it's certainly a great phone, but it's just not as nice to hold as the iPhone 5, it's a little large for my needs and I think the applications are a little inconsistent.
Certainly if you want to a powerful (I benchmarked it and it scored as well as my 2007 MacBook) phone to customise the hell out of then this is the phone for you.
I think I value curation and consistency over power and customisability. There, i've said it :)
it may well be, it's certainly a great phone, but it's just not as nice to hold as the iPhone 5, it's a little large for my needs and I think the applications are a little inconsistent.
Certainly if you want to a powerful (I benchmarked it and it scored as well as my 2007 MacBook) phone to customise the hell out of then this is the phone for you.
I think I value curation and consistency over power and customisability. There, i've said it :)