This was a silly addition as a myriad of helmets are now 'not allowed':
§2.5.1 – While on the court, all playerswear a helmet that meets safety standards for cycling.
No limit to the number of time-outs was also a mistake in my opinion:
§3.2.9 – MechanicalTimeout
** § – Atimeout can be called by a playerfor mechanical issues by yelling “Time Out” to the referee.
** § – Any player having the mechanical problem has the option to call a timeout or “mechanical”
only aftertheirteam takes possession of the ball.After fixing the mechanical problem, the ball
is turned overto the otherteam and playwillrestart according to §3.3.
We should have moved to ref-controlled restarts and not player-controlled in my opinion, the verbal acknowledgement is silly/lame:
§3.3 – Resuming play
§3.3.1 – Each team returns to their half of the court.
§3.3.2 – The appropriate team receives possession of the ball.
** §3.3.3 – The referee establishes both teams are ready by receiving a verbal acknowledgment.
** §3.3.4 – The play restartswhen eitherthe ball or a playerfrom the team in possession of the ball
crosses half-court.
We should have added a maximum handlebar width too now that the handlebar infraction has been properly adopted:
§8.5 – Handlebar Infraction
**§8.5.1 – Ahandlebarinfraction penaltywill be assessedwhen a player, using his or her body or equipment,
initiates contactwith an opposing player’s handlebar
Overall though this is ace, so glad v3.2 bit the dust... Kruze has done a great job of polishing the v2 draft (and taking on board feedback from the Worlds/LO experiments), neat.
This was a silly addition as a myriad of helmets are now 'not allowed':
No limit to the number of time-outs was also a mistake in my opinion:
We should have moved to ref-controlled restarts and not player-controlled in my opinion, the verbal acknowledgement is silly/lame:
We should have added a maximum handlebar width too now that the handlebar infraction has been properly adopted:
Overall though this is ace, so glad v3.2 bit the dust... Kruze has done a great job of polishing the v2 draft (and taking on board feedback from the Worlds/LO experiments), neat.