For the past few weeks, every night, around 8 or 9 at night my broadband drops down to between 2 and 4 Mbps (from 10). Usually lasts half an hour to an hour and never happens during the day. Also, quite often in the morning I have to reboot in order to connect to the internet.
I have called Virgin three times and feel like I am being fobbed off; could it be my modem is old and not working? But only for short periods at the same time every night? Etc etc. The first couple of times they first said there had been no work being done in the area and then corrected themselves to say there had been work done but everything was back to normal.
I have the feeling they know exactly what is going on and are bullshitting me.
For the past few weeks, every night, around 8 or 9 at night my broadband drops down to between 2 and 4 Mbps (from 10). Usually lasts half an hour to an hour and never happens during the day. Also, quite often in the morning I have to reboot in order to connect to the internet.
I have called Virgin three times and feel like I am being fobbed off; could it be my modem is old and not working? But only for short periods at the same time every night? Etc etc. The first couple of times they first said there had been no work being done in the area and then corrected themselves to say there had been work done but everything was back to normal.
I have the feeling they know exactly what is going on and are bullshitting me.