Looking to build a winter towpath geared flat bar thing from bits I have around.
I have an 10 year old condor steel frame with straight dropouts, brakes, headset etc.
I have a Camag Centaur triple chainset
I have a campag no name front shifter
I have a pair of Shimano 105? 10 speed shifters from a flat bar giant road bike
I need a rear mech - Do I buy shimano/Campag or change front mech/shifters..
I also need a rear wheel and cassette
I (like everyone) want to spend as little as possible...
Looking to build a winter towpath geared flat bar thing from bits I have around.
I have an 10 year old condor steel frame with straight dropouts, brakes, headset etc.
I have a Camag Centaur triple chainset
I have a campag no name front shifter
I have a pair of Shimano 105? 10 speed shifters from a flat bar giant road bike
I need a rear mech - Do I buy shimano/Campag or change front mech/shifters..
I also need a rear wheel and cassette
I (like everyone) want to spend as little as possible...
Any ideas?