I've taken all the STATS19 data from 1985 upto 2011 and cleaned it up and then added on all deaths so far in 2012 and 2013 to create a map of all cyclist fatalities, over 5,000 deaths in 28 years. http://icycleliverpool.co.uk/2013/03/31/cyclist-fatalities/
I've taken all the STATS19 data from 1985 upto 2011 and cleaned it up and then added on all deaths so far in 2012 and 2013 to create a map of all cyclist fatalities, over 5,000 deaths in 28 years.
Unlike previous attempts at similar maps, this one also includes where possible, names, links to news articles and photographs, I am also adding sentencing data for convicted drivers
Click on any of the pins to see more info. If anyone can provide more information about a fatality please let me know.