• #3752
I think this goes here
• #3753
HA! Is it wrong that I am obviously becoming de-sensitised to weird Japanese stuff? Instead am wondering why the guy is wearing a knee support that is too small for his chubby thigh, for an activity that I don't imagine would require it. Is it part of the overall look that he is trying to acheive?
• #3754
• #3755
• #3757
• #3758
Had this playing in the background when I saw this pic
- INSANE (MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame] -
• #3759
• #3761
• #3762
• #3763
I've just seen a fella dressed in leather onesie/overalls and an aviator hat running towards the 257 bus in Leytonstone. Strong tank crew look, with the hat, goggles and an earpiece with microphone.
• #3764
• #3766
Source has pictures
• #3767
Source has pictures
from the comments...
If it wasn't for the Nazis you'd never have 3d movies, video recording, rocketry and aerodynamics like on the car you have plastered on your fb page, or plastics. Not to mention synthetic fuels, VW, and advances on causes of cancer. Yeah.....Nazis were dumb.
• #3768
Part of Youtube Comdey week.
Think the writer missed the note stating it was supposed to be funny.
Still enjoyable to watch.. kinda. -
• #3770
• #3771
Is the paper's name a coincidence?
"The packet"
• #3772
• #3773
Nasty, but I like the way how they made it
• #3774
That ^ is from the amazing, if slightly odd, brain of Keith Schofield, and was a promo for Diesel.
Check out his other stuff http://keithschofield.com/ Duck Sauce 'Big Bad Wolf' is great.
• #3775
more sex aids
Curb appeal? It was limited before I read that.