Morgasm confirmed he got the money and that cubism did indeed pick up the bike last minute (morgasm was leaving on a holiday hence to possibility to post it himself).
At first I was in nearly daily contact with cubism through Skype and the forums and he was just really busy with other stuff so I was glad enough to let him sort it out as it wasn't really riding weather yet what with the snow and all where I live.
Then a lot of empty promises "gonna do it later this week" etc, I wont post the whole conversation obviously but it's all logged for sure.
As of now, Cubism hasn't even logged on LFGSS in two months and Skype is very quiet indeed. No emails have reached him either.
I'd love to know if anyone in here knows him as he looks to be a reasonably active member up until recently. I hope nothing bad has happened to him, and would obviously love to get my bike at some point. Student with 0 income spending roughly £450 for a couple of emails is a bit steep but I suppose I can only blame myself for trusting this specific member.
Any help or information regarding cubism and previous experiences dealing with him are greatly appreciated though!
Someone already mentioned troubles with 'cubism' aka Daniel from London (not Stuth and I wont give his last name just yet)
I bought a bike off morgasm ( ) in early March (4th IIRC) after finding someone in London (cubism) to post it for me ( thread here )
Morgasm confirmed he got the money and that cubism did indeed pick up the bike last minute (morgasm was leaving on a holiday hence to possibility to post it himself).
At first I was in nearly daily contact with cubism through Skype and the forums and he was just really busy with other stuff so I was glad enough to let him sort it out as it wasn't really riding weather yet what with the snow and all where I live.
Then a lot of empty promises "gonna do it later this week" etc, I wont post the whole conversation obviously but it's all logged for sure.
As of now, Cubism hasn't even logged on LFGSS in two months and Skype is very quiet indeed. No emails have reached him either.
I'd love to know if anyone in here knows him as he looks to be a reasonably active member up until recently. I hope nothing bad has happened to him, and would obviously love to get my bike at some point. Student with 0 income spending roughly £450 for a couple of emails is a bit steep but I suppose I can only blame myself for trusting this specific member.
Any help or information regarding cubism and previous experiences dealing with him are greatly appreciated though!