Looking for (ideally) a black coloured track frame for a new project. I am 5 ft 8 so nothing massive. Am reasonably flexible with brands etc, but something nice and not vintage. If anyone has a black Dolan Track Champion frame that would be ideal (or something similar looking)! Am happy to consider complete bikes, please post pics and specs etc in comments or PM me. Thanks for your time!
am new to the site so apologies if I have made a posting error or something.
Looking for (ideally) a black coloured track frame for a new project. I am 5 ft 8 so nothing massive. Am reasonably flexible with brands etc, but something nice and not vintage. If anyone has a black Dolan Track Champion frame that would be ideal (or something similar looking)! Am happy to consider complete bikes, please post pics and specs etc in comments or PM me. Thanks for your time!
am new to the site so apologies if I have made a posting error or something.