Calculated risk. I've left 15mm of spacers on there, with the stem pointing down. If 15mm of spacers and a stem flip can't get the bars high enough then:
The frame's the wrong size
I'll give up cycling and just do stretching until my flexibility improves
I'll go for a second opinion
I'm sufficiently confident, however, that my existing bikes are sufficiently close to what I need that a bike fit will involve fine tuning rather than radical changes. And if I'm wrong then meh.
Calculated risk. I've left 15mm of spacers on there, with the stem pointing down. If 15mm of spacers and a stem flip can't get the bars high enough then:
I'm sufficiently confident, however, that my existing bikes are sufficiently close to what I need that a bike fit will involve fine tuning rather than radical changes. And if I'm wrong then meh.