• #44902
^ had same problem here on BT with the C4 blockage
• #44903
I've given up after seeing this loads of times:
• #44905
• #44906
• #44907
Watching this right now, fucking unbearable
• #44908
That'll be £5, please.
• #44909
There's an incredible line near the end that makes it worth it.
• #44910
It's a fairly brisk 20 minute walk, the distance from Ludgate Circus to Charing Cross.
3mph is not a brisk walk.
• #44911
It's a fucking miracle given the numbers of mouth-breathers who populate that particular stretch of pavement.
• #44912
That Kitchen Nightmare was awesome.
I predict a strong future for Amy and Samy.
• #44913
I need to go to bed, but can't stop watching. Fucking insane.
• #44914
She is actually crackers.
• #44915
• #44916
Did we have that Patric? Don't remember
• #44917
She is actually crackers.
• #44918
• #44919
Amy's completely barking. Very bizarre. Playing up for the cameras a bit?
• #44920
That was brilliant.. cheers horatio.
my 2 fav quotes:
You said i'm delusional and i'm this and i'm this and i'm this..
You think i'm too far gone, there's no hope, yala - yala it's christmas let's go home. ok.
• #44921
God made her do it
• #44922
Katy, the waitress, did an AMA on Reddit
Just having a read through this, one big thing to not is that everyone who was there during the filming was there because they specifically requested to be there when it was filmed, so were pretty obviously going to be dicks. Good way of forcing the situation, I guess. Also it seems they weren't really that bad most of the time, but acted up massively to the situation.
That aside, it was absolutely hilarious, and they're both obviously quite delusional!
• #44923
This cracked me up: "Can I show you something? Hundreds of reviews. Excellent reviews. That we didn't write. By customers."
• #44924
It was one of the most intense TV shows I've ever watched... It just kept gaining momentum, I really thought she was gonna pick up a knife and stab someone at one point...
You can't trust any of this crap reality TV of course, I'm sure they were goaded on in some way... But still, top viewing... Car crash TV at its best...
• #44925
Ah cool, just wondering whether Virgin were
reading my mind with lasersblocking stuff