My mate Laura mad cat lady loves cats untill me! She text me this morning saying shr took it vets and it is under weight and needs bottle feeding every 2hs but apart from that he is cool :-) as for the 3 wishes..... I wish!
I though you said get him a fixed as in bike lol haha
No idea how he got in the shed , it was rammed full of shit and stunk just lucky he didn't fall down or he would have been gone! Shed looked like the little old woman never used it apart from one big bin lol I hope there isn't anymore in there
My mate Laura mad cat lady loves cats untill me! She text me this morning saying shr took it vets and it is under weight and needs bottle feeding every 2hs but apart from that he is cool :-) as for the 3 wishes..... I wish!
I though you said get him a fixed as in bike lol haha
No idea how he got in the shed , it was rammed full of shit and stunk just lucky he didn't fall down or he would have been gone! Shed looked like the little old woman never used it apart from one big bin lol I hope there isn't anymore in there