Hmmm, the first few feet would be OK, as they're just the old original (deal?) boards that were either put down when the place was built in 1915 or replaced the originals on a like-for-like basis, so they've had a fairly rough life and I don't mind pulling them up. Beyond that, however, we're in tricky territory - I fear the waste pipe then heads under a floor that was put down three years ago and is made of narrow strips of t&g maple, probably laid on top of something impossible like 18mm ply sheeting.
I might see if I can shift the upright section of the waste pipe under the sink so that it's back in its "low" position. I've drawn a pair of before and after pictures which suggest how the pulling up of the waste pipe under the sink may have resulted in a previous gentle downhill slope turning into a sag as a result of the waste pipe being pulled up against a joist. Just an idea.
Hmmm, the first few feet would be OK, as they're just the old original (deal?) boards that were either put down when the place was built in 1915 or replaced the originals on a like-for-like basis, so they've had a fairly rough life and I don't mind pulling them up. Beyond that, however, we're in tricky territory - I fear the waste pipe then heads under a floor that was put down three years ago and is made of narrow strips of t&g maple, probably laid on top of something impossible like 18mm ply sheeting.
I might see if I can shift the upright section of the waste pipe under the sink so that it's back in its "low" position. I've drawn a pair of before and after pictures which suggest how the pulling up of the waste pipe under the sink may have resulted in a previous gentle downhill slope turning into a sag as a result of the waste pipe being pulled up against a joist. Just an idea.