Anyone here with plumbing expertise and a willingness to suggest some ideas? Our kitchen sink drains extremely slowly, unless we fill it up before taking out the plug, in which case it whooshes away super-fast. Waste pipe is clear all the way through to the manhole out at the back.
I think it's either some sort of venting problem (do we need an air admittance valve?) or there's an uphill section, resulting in an effective second trap under the floor which takes a lot of ooomph to shift.
Not sure how the latter might have happened - but we've only had this problem since our sink was replaced a couple of weeks ago, and the chap who did it said he'd lifted the waste pipe up under the sink (as there was quite a lot of up and down play in it) and that may have caused some sort of change in the configuration of waste pipe under the floor - perhaps pulling the upstream end upwards has pushed a middle section down.
Anyone here with plumbing expertise and a willingness to suggest some ideas? Our kitchen sink drains extremely slowly, unless we fill it up before taking out the plug, in which case it whooshes away super-fast. Waste pipe is clear all the way through to the manhole out at the back.
I think it's either some sort of venting problem (do we need an air admittance valve?) or there's an uphill section, resulting in an effective second trap under the floor which takes a lot of ooomph to shift.
Not sure how the latter might have happened - but we've only had this problem since our sink was replaced a couple of weeks ago, and the chap who did it said he'd lifted the waste pipe up under the sink (as there was quite a lot of up and down play in it) and that may have caused some sort of change in the configuration of waste pipe under the floor - perhaps pulling the upstream end upwards has pushed a middle section down.
any thoughts folks?