Add me to the list of bed wetters. No real reason, just fancy going to the pub instead.
7/5/13 E4 Ecstacy - Chingford Station start
Liverpool St 19.18 & 19.33
Return trains: 22.25/40/55, 23.10/25.
Oyster/GS4 £6ish
Rolling 30 miles - lovely route through the local Essex lanes
Sean (riding out and back but may not complete the whole course)
FridayMarch26th (ride out and back)
Alex (should be passing LMNH about ten min to 7)
Will Bitterbuffalo (riding out and back)
Rod Munch (riding out and back - FYI this is back to CR7 Will! :()
cb (riding out and back (though not with you guys, you're all cunts anyway), then out and back for another loop, before heading back through Hackney, bonking, before hoping to find a bottle of vodka and getting off my tits before heading to work - I'll be riding there and back too.)
Add me to the list of bed wetters. No real reason, just fancy going to the pub instead.
7/5/13 E4 Ecstacy - Chingford Station start
Liverpool St 19.18 & 19.33
Return trains: 22.25/40/55, 23.10/25.
Oyster/GS4 £6ish
Rolling 30 miles - lovely route through the local Essex lanes
Riding out: