Advertising this shouldn't be a problem. Should be easy enough I think the problem lies in once you're on the promenade at holywood you're going to have a lot of bike and a lot of people trying to use the same path which could cause problems. I would say it would be quite busy if the weather is nice
With carrying stuff I think small bucket barbecues or disposable would be the best options. They should be easy enough to pack and carry
The single track at the end of the promenade could be a problem as well
Advertising this shouldn't be a problem. Should be easy enough I think the problem lies in once you're on the promenade at holywood you're going to have a lot of bike and a lot of people trying to use the same path which could cause problems. I would say it would be quite busy if the weather is nice
With carrying stuff I think small bucket barbecues or disposable would be the best options. They should be easy enough to pack and carry
The single track at the end of the promenade could be a problem as well