This is the bike that I posted about yesterday, but I have now added a couple of photos.
I just bought a 58cm 2013 Langster, with the intention of using it for the commute. It turns out it's not going to be practical to do that, so it's up for sale.
It has a flip flop hub with both a freewheel and fixed sprocket. It has brakes and levers.
Size-wise, it's appropriate for someone between 5'10" and 6'2"
One ride only (approx 3 miles).
The frame has not been registered yet, and I have all of the appropriate paperwork (i.e. receipt) with my name on, to prove that I bought it.
It was £550. Selling for £480. Feel free to make an offer. Message or call 07580422672
I live in Liverpool, and would be happy to consider local delivery, or courier in a bike box.
This is the bike that I posted about yesterday, but I have now added a couple of photos.
I just bought a 58cm 2013 Langster, with the intention of using it for the commute. It turns out it's not going to be practical to do that, so it's up for sale.
It has a flip flop hub with both a freewheel and fixed sprocket. It has brakes and levers.
Size-wise, it's appropriate for someone between 5'10" and 6'2"
One ride only (approx 3 miles).
The frame has not been registered yet, and I have all of the appropriate paperwork (i.e. receipt) with my name on, to prove that I bought it.
It was £550. Selling for £480. Feel free to make an offer. Message or call 07580422672
I live in Liverpool, and would be happy to consider local delivery, or courier in a bike box.
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