Right, probably going to order a Mielec at the weekend to replace my leave-at-the-station commuter bike.
Is everyone still happy with theirs?
I've been thinking about going for some tear-drop/triangular tubing, has anyone in the thread gone for that? Just wondering a) how it looks close up and b) would the flat sides of the tubing make it more flexible (compounded more by me ordering an XL frame)?
Right, probably going to order a Mielec at the weekend to replace my leave-at-the-station commuter bike.
Is everyone still happy with theirs?
I've been thinking about going for some tear-drop/triangular tubing, has anyone in the thread gone for that? Just wondering a) how it looks close up and b) would the flat sides of the tubing make it more flexible (compounded more by me ordering an XL frame)?