I've been given the task to set up a LED panel in our warehouse to display data, namely a webpage with some database data on it.
Same kind of idea as this:
I've got an LED Telly with built in Wifi, but the built in browser will not go fullscreen so I'm going to need to bite the bullet and plug a pc into it via HDMI and run something like Chrome in kiosk mode. I could easily buy an Acer Revo but was wondering if any one knew of anything cheaper, since all its going to do is run a browser!
I've been given the task to set up a LED panel in our warehouse to display data, namely a webpage with some database data on it.
Same kind of idea as this:
I've got an LED Telly with built in Wifi, but the built in browser will not go fullscreen so I'm going to need to bite the bullet and plug a pc into it via HDMI and run something like Chrome in kiosk mode. I could easily buy an Acer Revo but was wondering if any one knew of anything cheaper, since all its going to do is run a browser!