High Culture and food/drinks:
The Ashmolean Museum. Recently refurbished, just like a mini British Museum and V&A rolled into one but without the crowds. They have a roof top 'Dining Room'. I've heard that it's nice, but have never been, and also a cafe for drinks and snacks http://www.ashmolean.org/
The Natural History Museum is closed for renovation this year but you can still get into the Pitt Rivers Museum at the back. The PRM is small but stuffed with the most amazing anthropogical artefacts from around the world - no food or drink but def worth a visit. http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/
and if you like your art modern try 'Modern Art Oxford' who also have a cafe - it'll probably be the closest you can get to (art) hipsters venue in Oxford? http://www.modernartoxford.org.uk/
The Oxford Thai on Cowley Rd, more a cafe than restaurant but better for it. Note they only take cash (no cards)
Chian Mai Kitche, but you'll need to book
High Culture and food/drinks:
The Ashmolean Museum. Recently refurbished, just like a mini British Museum and V&A rolled into one but without the crowds. They have a roof top 'Dining Room'. I've heard that it's nice, but have never been, and also a cafe for drinks and snacks
The Natural History Museum is closed for renovation this year but you can still get into the Pitt Rivers Museum at the back. The PRM is small but stuffed with the most amazing anthropogical artefacts from around the world - no food or drink but def worth a visit.
and if you like your art modern try 'Modern Art Oxford' who also have a cafe - it'll probably be the closest you can get to (art) hipsters venue in Oxford?
A walk in the park:
if it's nice weather a walk round Christcurch Meadow with an ice cream (as eyebrows says) from G&Ds http://www.gdcafe.com/website/index.php.