went for another 50 miler today, really liking the layback seatpost as it puts me more on the bars than the hoods-headset is still dicking me off a bit but have to live with it.
shitter was hitting a pothole on a downhill and pumping my front wheel-inevitably my wheelbuilding skills might come into question here but long story short I'm getting it rebuilt by a professional tomorrow... rear is fine though so i can't be a total prick. (can i?!)
still waiting on my effing saddle showing up : /
went for another 50 miler today, really liking the layback seatpost as it puts me more on the bars than the hoods-headset is still dicking me off a bit but have to live with it.
shitter was hitting a pothole on a downhill and pumping my front wheel-inevitably my wheelbuilding skills might come into question here but long story short I'm getting it rebuilt by a professional tomorrow... rear is fine though so i can't be a total prick. (can i?!)