Bear in mind that we'd like to be able to enable email options in future without revealing your email address and whilst protecting it from spam.
For example it would be cool to get to the point where sending a private message is no different from sending an email to , so long as the sender's email relates to a user on the same site and they have right to send you a private message. That message would work via email, but would also create a private message on the site... and then you could in theory reply by email and achieve the same.
To enable features like that in future, we have to be pretty tough on what is an acceptable username. I believe is the RFC for email addresses. It's worth checking over, as it's far less strict about what's a valid email address than people think generally, and most of the plugin checkers for email address validation are far too strict. I believe is the RFC for email addresses. It's worth checking over, as it's far less strict about what's a valid email address than people think generally, and most of the plugin checkers for email address validation are far too strict.