BTW, if anyone is wondering... we think the first few hours of the alpha is a great success.
Because certain things happened:
1) People managed to get on there and post
2) The rough design wasn't rejected
3) None of the infrastructure fell over, and all of it happily took the load (it could power many small sites immediately, and potentially even LFGSS)
4) The average speed of the API was good enough that it could power a live site
5) You've helped us produce a bug list that we can work through and that can prioritise our work
There's no doubt we have a lot to do, but all of the above is feedback that will help us focus on what needs to be done.
So what I'm really saying is thank you.
We'll get to work on those bugs, and I'll finish the events stuff I had started (a nice form and nice display for that).
Don't worry about posting in the next day or two as the bugs are probably too numerous.
But we will get that sorted, and then once it's viable as a small hang-out place that's what we'll use it as whilst we polish it and add features.
BTW, if anyone is wondering... we think the first few hours of the alpha is a great success.
Because certain things happened:
1) People managed to get on there and post
2) The rough design wasn't rejected
3) None of the infrastructure fell over, and all of it happily took the load (it could power many small sites immediately, and potentially even LFGSS)
4) The average speed of the API was good enough that it could power a live site
5) You've helped us produce a bug list that we can work through and that can prioritise our work
There's no doubt we have a lot to do, but all of the above is feedback that will help us focus on what needs to be done.
So what I'm really saying is thank you.
We'll get to work on those bugs, and I'll finish the events stuff I had started (a nice form and nice display for that).
Don't worry about posting in the next day or two as the bugs are probably too numerous.
But we will get that sorted, and then once it's viable as a small hang-out place that's what we'll use it as whilst we polish it and add features.