Plenty of railings opposite the green Man (assuming you mean the cidery one). I work above HMV on Oxford St and cheeky pre-ride home Fitzrovia drinks sounds like a great way to compromise my ability to buy a house this year.
There's also a proper old man pub near the BT Tower which had Bass on tap although I don't know if it's still open.
The Green Man on Euston Rd? They've removed the ped-hearding railings other than the ones right in the middle of the road.
The Green Man on Euston Rd? They've removed the ped-hearding railings other than the ones right in the middle of the road.,-0.143337&spn=0.083522,0.222988&hq=green+man&hnear=Euston+Rd,+London+Borough+of+Camden,+London+NW1,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=13&layer=c&cbll=51.523814,-0.143311&panoid=-ejD_wWVFjThcvjRD3iH9A&cbp=12,172.98,,0,8.84