Eh. Well I've been a bit naughty and bought when I should have sold....
i couldn't have helped myself though, and I'll end up selling much more as a result (in theory)...
It's just one of these frames you see and you literally get goosebumps.
So it's too bad that if my gf or family see it that they probably will stage some kind of disgustingly cloying intervention, or just lose the rag and start throwing kettles of boiling water at me. My cunning plan is to secrete it in the shed until time unknown and then just casually wheel it out like i've always had it-it's white the same as my tourer so it might work...
Anyway. Olagnero, Columbus Max oversized tubes from the early 90's, pretty fucking spanking condition and beautiful pearlescent white paint with black lugs and chrome stays.
Sex piss. True sex piss.
Dodgy camera pics for the mo that don't really do it justice...
Eh. Well I've been a bit naughty and bought when I should have sold....
i couldn't have helped myself though, and I'll end up selling much more as a result (in theory)...
It's just one of these frames you see and you literally get goosebumps.
So it's too bad that if my gf or family see it that they probably will stage some kind of disgustingly cloying intervention, or just lose the rag and start throwing kettles of boiling water at me. My cunning plan is to secrete it in the shed until time unknown and then just casually wheel it out like i've always had it-it's white the same as my tourer so it might work...
Anyway. Olagnero, Columbus Max oversized tubes from the early 90's, pretty fucking spanking condition and beautiful pearlescent white paint with black lugs and chrome stays.
Sex piss. True sex piss.
Dodgy camera pics for the mo that don't really do it justice...