Bit late to this but I'm surprised no one picked up on this:
According to current research no less than 1:7 of the released G'mo detainees have "returned" to the battlefield.
So 6/7 terrorists held without trial don't go back to the battlefield... Doesn't that suggest a bigger problem then the 1/7 that do to back?
If I were a terrorist and I was released from G.bay I would double my efforts... Frankly if I wasn't a terrorist I think time spent there might turn me into one.
Bit late to this but I'm surprised no one picked up on this:
So 6/7 terrorists held without trial don't go back to the battlefield... Doesn't that suggest a bigger problem then the 1/7 that do to back?
If I were a terrorist and I was released from G.bay I would double my efforts... Frankly if I wasn't a terrorist I think time spent there might turn me into one.