Security cash vans don't get tickets because local authorities will grant them an exemption as long as they are carrying out their duties and not popping into the shops for a packet of fags or a kebab.
9.42 TROs invariably exempt vehicles being used for fire service, ambulance or police purposes, or being used to remove an obstruction (such as a broken down vehicle). TROs usually also exempt service vehicles, but only when they are being used to carry out certain activities (for example, telecommunications vehicles when laying lines, or vehicles of a universal postal service provider delivering mail). These are not general exemptions for vehicles of a certain type, irrespective of use.
I would be very surprised if cash security vans didn't come under most local authorities' definition of service vehicles tbh.
I found this after 2 minutes on google.
Security cash vans don't get tickets because local authorities will grant them an exemption as long as they are carrying out their duties and not popping into the shops for a packet of fags or a kebab.
I would be very surprised if cash security vans didn't come under most local authorities' definition of service vehicles tbh.