I was on 50x16 and in the faster bits towards the end found it getting quite spinny (legs are certainly sore today), but with all the concertinering my legs were taking a beating through braking. Terrible practice I know, but there were a couple of proper "werrrghhhooaahh" moments at the beginning.
If my knee is feeling better by the weekend then I'll see you in the pillockton! As I don't have a cap I might just tattoo DAS on my forehead to try and start some converations.
I was on 50x16 and in the faster bits towards the end found it getting quite spinny (legs are certainly sore today), but with all the concertinering my legs were taking a beating through braking. Terrible practice I know, but there were a couple of proper "werrrghhhooaahh" moments at the beginning.
If my knee is feeling better by the weekend then I'll see you in the pillockton! As I don't have a cap I might just tattoo DAS on my forehead to try and start some converations.