I commuted on a pomp for 2 years - about 12 miles a day. I managed to use 'guards and 28mm tyres. I used the bike for occasional weekend rides of about/up to 40 miles. It was like pedalling a ship's anchor albeit a smooth one. Surely the whole point of a fixie is to dispense with gears and thus, in consequence, lighten the bike.
I may get a steam roller but only if it proves lighter than the pomp - any observations forumongers? The PC does look excellent value for money though.
I commuted on a pomp for 2 years - about 12 miles a day. I managed to use 'guards and 28mm tyres. I used the bike for occasional weekend rides of about/up to 40 miles. It was like pedalling a ship's anchor albeit a smooth one. Surely the whole point of a fixie is to dispense with gears and thus, in consequence, lighten the bike.
I may get a steam roller but only if it proves lighter than the pomp - any observations forumongers? The PC does look excellent value for money though.