Regarding a high swing, it seems to suggest that making contact is fine, as long as you are taking a shot. Which basically means "facecage-or-shutup"
Wouldn't the above negate the high sticking rule then? Surely banning high sticking is because you might hit someone but on the other hand hitting someone from a shot is legal? Or is there something more dangerous about high sticking than hitting someone on the face while taking a shot?
The above is not to my liking, high sticking or big shots should be allowed but you will be penalised if you hit someone. Then again if that it to be made a rule, you as a footie fan should well know about diving, people who go down at the faintest of touch or just balantly simulating it to get the other player sent off.
I am not on LOBP so if you wanna quote me on that and cross post it over I am alright with it.
Wouldn't the above negate the high sticking rule then? Surely banning high sticking is because you might hit someone but on the other hand hitting someone from a shot is legal? Or is there something more dangerous about high sticking than hitting someone on the face while taking a shot?
The above is not to my liking, high sticking or big shots should be allowed but you will be penalised if you hit someone. Then again if that it to be made a rule, you as a footie fan should well know about diving, people who go down at the faintest of touch or just balantly simulating it to get the other player sent off.
I am not on LOBP so if you wanna quote me on that and cross post it over I am alright with it.