You should be able to remove the bolts either with vice grips if there is something to grip to, or easy-outs if there isn't.
Replace all the bolts with new, to be on the safe side.
Double-check the torque settings, and your wrench to make sure you didn't miss a decimal point, or set the wrong units.
After all the work I've done it's left a bitter taste, so learning towards just giving to the local shop. I think after a nights sleep and a clearer head I may consider trying it myself. In terms of extracting the bolt I get the impression it's not too far in to cause a problem, just getting access for a drill is going to be the deal (and bank) breaker. Thanks for your advice.
passed my theory test today after letting it lapse - now to book module 1 on a 600cc - yee ha!
Well done, keep us updated how you get on with the lessons/test.
After all the work I've done it's left a bitter taste, so learning towards just giving to the local shop. I think after a nights sleep and a clearer head I may consider trying it myself. In terms of extracting the bolt I get the impression it's not too far in to cause a problem, just getting access for a drill is going to be the deal (and bank) breaker. Thanks for your advice.
Well done, keep us updated how you get on with the lessons/test.