Could you move the wings from the chassis to the wheel assembly (therefore applying downforce to the wheel, rather than to the car) without fatally compromising visibility, and allowing wheels to be changed still?
The Lotus 49B did that, well mounted to the suspension, not the wheel directly. Didn't work too well (the wings needed to be quite high above the car in clean air which meant the supports were quite long and prone to buckling) and they were made illegal. Could be made to work these days but I imagine everyone wants to move away from aero dependancy if at all possible.
The Lotus 49B did that, well mounted to the suspension, not the wheel directly. Didn't work too well (the wings needed to be quite high above the car in clean air which meant the supports were quite long and prone to buckling) and they were made illegal. Could be made to work these days but I imagine everyone wants to move away from aero dependancy if at all possible.