1. 50/14.
    2. Bernie
    3. Rogan
    4. Pinnochio Poots
    5. Jake
    6. PP
    7. deLights
    8. shinkuu kiss
    9. cnkr (ian)
    10. tomsvoboda
    11. betty
    12. almac68
      Apollo 13
    13. middleofnowhere
    14. beerfoot
    15. Hairy
    16. joe smith
    17. Zebs
    18. Whatok
    19. Eamesy
    20. hats
    21. Skydancer
    22. fade
    23. mountaingoatmatt
    24. Ramaye
    25. Vesalius
    26. Branwen
    27. Se1derful
    28. Kirth
    29. Crop
    30. McEei
    31. Sherbertflyingsaucer

    I've not been on a ride for a bit, if I remember correctly the last Guinness ride I went on was a corker, the memory is a bit blurry though.....
