If she doesn't turn in to a fucked up adult I don't know who will.
I raced last weekend and saw quite a lot of 15/16 year olds on £6k+ road bikes, how on earth are they going to turn in to well-rounded adults???
The only cycling clubs I have seen are like this. Teenagers on very fancy bikes. Seems to be a lot of snobbery around these clubs, (particularly the one based at Birmingham most snooty bike shop) Like velo hipsters, its all about gear and looking pro. Even if you could ride fast, they would never let you ride with them unless you had a £6k bike and were dressed head to toe in the latest Lycra Garmz. Even then they would be suspicious until you proved you were one of them. I terms of the youngsters, they are clearly joining the same "elite" group their dad feels part of.
The only cycling clubs I have seen are like this. Teenagers on very fancy bikes. Seems to be a lot of snobbery around these clubs, (particularly the one based at Birmingham most snooty bike shop) Like velo hipsters, its all about gear and looking pro. Even if you could ride fast, they would never let you ride with them unless you had a £6k bike and were dressed head to toe in the latest Lycra Garmz. Even then they would be suspicious until you proved you were one of them. I terms of the youngsters, they are clearly joining the same "elite" group their dad feels part of.