You need to anticipate when it might happen and make sure you are on the wheel of a person you can trust to make a move at the correct time. This supposes you know the right people whose wheels to get on and you are able to get on the wheels. Failing that. Make sure you are near the front when you think it might kick off.
When I was racing, i found it was all about anticipating who might do what and when. It becomes easier the more you get to know your fellow racers and who to keep an eye on etc
You need to anticipate when it might happen and make sure you are on the wheel of a person you can trust to make a move at the correct time. This supposes you know the right people whose wheels to get on and you are able to get on the wheels. Failing that. Make sure you are near the front when you think it might kick off.
When I was racing, i found it was all about anticipating who might do what and when. It becomes easier the more you get to know your fellow racers and who to keep an eye on etc