• I bought a lovely frame from Ndiepi which had a stuck stem. He started to try and rectify it by sawing off the stem. I then hacksawed it lengthways down the tube (his - correct as it happens - advice) after flooding it with release oil. You have to be very careful not to cut into the seat tube and i appreciate that the seat post might be longer than a stem and more difficult to cut. Use a coarse hacksaw blade and wrap a teatowel round it to for a handle. Once cut through, secure the frame and carefully use a pair of meaty grips/stilsons, crush the tube as much as possible, twist and pray!
    A frame builder/brazer/welder could sort out the bolt holes provided the lug has not been damaged where it's brazed to the tubes and stays but obviously there will be a cost.
    nice looking frame, it would be a shame to junk it.
