• Following our very successful show in March we are incredibly excited to bring you this 1934 comedy to go with our March documentary, 6 Day Bike Racer. Small-town bumpkin Winfred Simpson is annoyed by the attention paid to his girl, Phyllis Jenkins, by a hotshot trick cyclist, Harry St. Clair. When Phyliss turns Winfred down, he hits the road to become a success at the big 6-Day bike race. He meets Clinton Hemmings and they become partners as it is a two-man event, and get practice time for the race by getting jobs as bicycle messengers. Winfred, delivering a message to St. Clair at his hotel, mistakes a voice he hears in St. Clair's room as Phyllis, gets into a fight with him and hauled off to the pokey. The race starts without him, with Clinton riding alone. Finally getting released from jail, Winfred races on a "borrowed" bike to the "Velodrome" and enters the race just in time.

    Trailer: http://youtu.be/OFexYtJs--4

    Other events you may see us at in the coming months

    The London Classic http://www.thelondonclassic.org/

    The Tweed Run http://tweedrun.com/

    Ciemmona http://www.ciemmona.org/en/

    London VeloNotte Albertina http://www.velonotte.com/#!--2/c1ntu
    Velorution Universelle http://velorutionuniverselle.org

    The Notting Hill Carnival 2013 pictures from last year http://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/sets/72157631434008228/
    Films shown in Bloomsbury not Hackney but then we are internationalists and do not believe in borders
    Unless otherwise stated all events occur at
    Calthorpe Arms,
    252 Grays Inn Road
    London WC1x 8JR
    and start prompt at 7:30
    A programme of shows for the year is available from hbfs2011(at)gmail.com
