In the BBC article, he says that Mercedes have the second fastest car, and he hopes that Mercedes can make it the fastest.
I can only take that to be clever gamesmanship, to rattle the other teams a bit, but also a psychological tool too boost the Mercedes engineers back at the factory. But it does seem an odd thing to say, even in slight jest.
At the moment, the quick teams are Lotus, Ferrari, The Vettel team, and Mercedes, and how does Lewis see the Mercedes as being the second fastest in that group? I believe that Ferrari have upgrades due, and have been fast anyway; same goes for Lotus, and The Vettel team. Is this wishful thinking, or do Mercedes have the capacity to improve so much, that they are second fastest now, and could be fastest.
I'm a big Lewis fan, but I don't believe this. Anyway, McLaren have made such a leap from one race to another, that if they keep this up, by halfway through the season, they'll be challenging for a podium.
People doubted Alonso just as much when he said that he was still in contention for the championship in 2010 at Silverstone despite being 50 points or so off Vettel with a crap car. He would've won that championship had it not been for some daft calls on the pit wall in the final race. I wouldn't be surprised if Hamilton is still in the hunt come the last race.
People doubted Alonso just as much when he said that he was still in contention for the championship in 2010 at Silverstone despite being 50 points or so off Vettel with a crap car. He would've won that championship had it not been for some daft calls on the pit wall in the final race. I wouldn't be surprised if Hamilton is still in the hunt come the last race.