Today I finished rawing the frame. there are a few hard to reach spots that need a going over with a decent wire brush.
As mentioned before, here is the rather bad rust damage to the top tube. Please tell me its salvageable!
Out of sheer procrastination I built up the frame, after sanding it with 400 grit and steel wool, and applying 2 coats of engine oil and leaving it out in the sun to dry. I kind of like the look, although am not particularly fond of the paintjob on the forks. with black bar tape methinks it could look quite nice! any suggestions appreciated
Today I finished rawing the frame. there are a few hard to reach spots that need a going over with a decent wire brush.
As mentioned before, here is the rather bad rust damage to the top tube. Please tell me its salvageable!
Out of sheer procrastination I built up the frame, after sanding it with 400 grit and steel wool, and applying 2 coats of engine oil and leaving it out in the sun to dry. I kind of like the look, although am not particularly fond of the paintjob on the forks. with black bar tape methinks it could look quite nice! any suggestions appreciated