A beater is generally a commuter/everyday/pub bike put together cheaply from the parts' bin, a rat is a good bike with good spec that is very well used, and a franken, well they're just monsters.
No washing or negligence doesn't count for anything IMO. Just because your commuter is covered in road paste doesn't make it fish or flesh, just a dirty bike.
So what about a commuter/everyday/pub bike put together with a brand new frame and more or less expensive brand new parts always cleaned on a daily basis and well maintained? I my opinion the "Names and Faces to Bikes" thread seems a little too... let's say generic in lack of a better word.
So what about a commuter/everyday/pub bike put together with a brand new frame and more or less expensive brand new parts always cleaned on a daily basis and well maintained? I my opinion the "Names and Faces to Bikes" thread seems a little too... let's say generic in lack of a better word.