It'll be fine for the application you want it for, especially with the LEL where you're not going to carry enough luggage to created too much flex.
I have lost 5kg as well, aimed for a 75kg for the LEL so I can able to comfortably climb and conserve my energy, felt a bigger improvement from 80kg (normal weight).
Is the package is damaged in transit, the courier is liable, it should go your way I hope.
It'll be fine for the application you want it for, especially with the LEL where you're not going to carry enough luggage to created too much flex.
I have lost 5kg as well, aimed for a 75kg for the LEL so I can able to comfortably climb and conserve my energy, felt a bigger improvement from 80kg (normal weight).
Is the package is damaged in transit, the courier is liable, it should go your way I hope.