• From November last year:

    Email on behalf of Eurostar from Via Email (Kate, Eurostar Support) 09/11/2012 04.39 PM
    Dear Mr Chidley

    Thank you for your e mail,

    Please contact Euro Dispatch on 0207 78437752 they will be able to assist you and better equipped to answer this for you.

    Kind Regards
    Kate, Eurostar Support
    Your question By Email (Bill Chidley) 08/11/2012 03.27 PM
    Can bicycles be sent as unaccompanied luggage on the Avignon service, as
    with the normal Eurostar service?

    On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Eurostar Support <
    eurostar-en@maileu.custhelp.com> wrote:


    Email on behalf of Eurostar from Via Email (Sam, Eurostar.com support) 08/11/2012 01.08 PM
    Dear Mr Chidley,

    Thank you for your request.

    Sale for the Avignon service 2013 will begin in December 2012, however the date is yet to be confirmed.

    Please note that it is not possible to take bicycles on board the Avignon service if they are not in a bicycle bag.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind regards
    Sam, Eurostar Customer Support
