Boom. Bit of early evening and here's pics - didn't realise quite how bright the light was until I downloaded them.
Pretty pleased with the build actually. The bars looked miles better wrapped than they did bare. Forks would look miles better chromed. I have quotes for £48 or £75.
The tyres aren't yet glued on. I think that's why the front wheel makes a kind of persistent crunching sound, like I'm riding over gravel. At least, I hope it's that simple...
There's plenty of little things that I'd like to improve about the bike, but I think I should get down to a track induction session at Herne Hill first before I start getting carried away!
Boom. Bit of early evening and here's pics - didn't realise quite how bright the light was until I downloaded them.
Pretty pleased with the build actually. The bars looked miles better wrapped than they did bare. Forks would look miles better chromed. I have quotes for £48 or £75.
The tyres aren't yet glued on. I think that's why the front wheel makes a kind of persistent crunching sound, like I'm riding over gravel. At least, I hope it's that simple...
There's plenty of little things that I'd like to improve about the bike, but I think I should get down to a track induction session at Herne Hill first before I start getting carried away!