• Last night's commute was the closest I've ever come to being under the wheels of a vehicle. Riding east over the reservour (Forest Rd, towards Walthamstow), I'm in a fairly strong secondary, as there's large puddles which I know are concealing sunken drains, potholes etc - see here.

    Anyway, as I'm going round the long left hander, holding a steady 23/24mph, a van (GN04 VBT - Gebaude Building Contractors) passes me with about a foot of room, then as he's alongside pulls in fairly sharply until my right elbow is touching the side of the van, my wheels are as far left as they can go without actually hitting the kerb and are deep within the massive puddles, his front wheel is splashing shitty puddle water all over me and I had absolutely nowhere to go. Near enough shat myself but managed to stay upright, the adrenaline helped me to draft him the rest of the way over the reservoir, hoping that he'd have to stop at the lights at the other end, but it was green and he carried straight on. I gave up, took my turning home and slowly calmed down. Honestly no idea what I'd have done if he had stopped, I've never been so angry/scared on a bike before. Worst thing is, I have no idea whether he did it on purpose, but suspect he just wasn't paying much attention.

    Edit: I've roadsafed the bastard.
