I've got a 103BB which just about pokes out the end of the frame enough to attach the crankarms. The spiders have shoulders on both sides (which I think you can see in the picture - the one opposite the crank arm kinda shows it)
I'm guessing that the bolts just worked themselves loose over time - there's a stretch of cobbled stone road that I have to cycle through in Barbican every time I go to work. I've been running this setup since December and I cycle every day, so would have expected this to happen sooner if I'd done something majorly wrong, I'd have thought
I've got a 103BB which just about pokes out the end of the frame enough to attach the crankarms. The spiders have shoulders on both sides (which I think you can see in the picture - the one opposite the crank arm kinda shows it)
I'm guessing that the bolts just worked themselves loose over time - there's a stretch of cobbled stone road that I have to cycle through in Barbican every time I go to work. I've been running this setup since December and I cycle every day, so would have expected this to happen sooner if I'd done something majorly wrong, I'd have thought