Yesterday my precision workmanship and complete lack of clumsiness showed itself in full colours, by way of spilling coffee all over my macbook. Some of the keys are shorted and I can't afford a repair/replacement, so opting for an external keyboard for now. Ideally I'd like a small (non numeric) wired keyboard but will consider other options, larger keyboards or wireless ones. Anyone got something? Preferably that I can get this afternoon, or Sunday night?
Yesterday my precision workmanship and complete lack of clumsiness showed itself in full colours, by way of spilling coffee all over my macbook. Some of the keys are shorted and I can't afford a repair/replacement, so opting for an external keyboard for now. Ideally I'd like a small (non numeric) wired keyboard but will consider other options, larger keyboards or wireless ones. Anyone got something? Preferably that I can get this afternoon, or Sunday night?