I thought about turning off the wifi as soon as the position of the camera is set, which is the main purpose of the iphone app really, I shall give this a go and see if it'd improver the batter life. The trouble with the battery pack is I have a custom made pouch to strap the camera to my backpack so adding anything extra to the camera would render the pouch useless... might just get a spare battery. I am really disappointed with the battery life, surely they could make it last a bit longer somehow?
I thought about turning off the wifi as soon as the position of the camera is set, which is the main purpose of the iphone app really, I shall give this a go and see if it'd improver the batter life. The trouble with the battery pack is I have a custom made pouch to strap the camera to my backpack so adding anything extra to the camera would render the pouch useless... might just get a spare battery. I am really disappointed with the battery life, surely they could make it last a bit longer somehow?