I'd much rather go for something 2nd-hand just because older bikes are much more durable. All the parts will last you much longer. Don't get too hung up on weight either (unless you're constantly going up and down hills).
Playing devil's advocate for one minute: is part of our impression that Teman bikes are shit down to the fact that they're bought by people who don't care about bikes, so most of them that we see are rusting away outside an estate somewhere?
I'd much rather go for something 2nd-hand just because older bikes are much more durable. All the parts will last you much longer. Don't get too hung up on weight either (unless you're constantly going up and down hills).
Playing devil's advocate for one minute: is part of our impression that Teman bikes are shit down to the fact that they're bought by people who don't care about bikes, so most of them that we see are rusting away outside an estate somewhere?