• Car died on Saturday, I was running late already for sister's 30th birthday party preparation and I was a bit stressed. Doing 70ish and the revs drop to 0, engine dead and now coasting in the outside lane of the A12. Bollocks. Manage to make it to a layby, all electrics still working but it won't start. Bonnet and boot open, checking the earths, all good. No split fuel hoses or anything, can't check spark as I haven't got the deep tool to whip them out, and air looks fine. Bit stumped, make some calls to advise I'm running late, then I start doing some sort of CSI style 3D animation in my head of the processes involved with starting the car. Key turns starter, fuel flows, air sucking in through supercharger and intercooler, coilpack to spark plugs etc etc, when BAM! it hits me, ACU for fuel and timing management controls it all! I go straight to the unit sitting under the dash next to my left knee and the cable's hanging loose out the back of it. I must have knocked it bracing my knee while going through the tunnel. Plug it back in, turn it over and it fires up. Then splutters and dies. Cable has popped out again. Leccy tape it on and we're away. Problem solved.

    In my head, whilst this was going on you also had your laptop out on the passenger seat...
