^ You pay that much for rapha clothes you expect it to be kind of exclusive. you obviously cant afford rapha
Once a brand gets to a certain size it always will start to "tier" it's product.
Allot of these new customers will be buying into Team Sky not Rapha.
All Rapah's mainline product has remained the same price, if fact in allot of cases it has gone up.
Team Sky product from volume and market place awareness - everything else stays the same.
I have seen allot of Rapha Sky Kit out today , and when I saw it, it was like there goes another team sky kit. Not there goes a brand I have supported from the very start what a shame it has come to this.
Once a brand gets to a certain size it always will start to "tier" it's product.
Allot of these new customers will be buying into Team Sky not Rapha.
All Rapah's mainline product has remained the same price, if fact in allot of cases it has gone up.
Team Sky product from volume and market place awareness - everything else stays the same.
I have seen allot of Rapha Sky Kit out today , and when I saw it, it was like there goes another team sky kit. Not there goes a brand I have supported from the very start what a shame it has come to this.