"Cycling is very much a team sport and the pressures to conform haven’t disappeared entirely. There was a pint of beer — that was easy. A couple of mixed drinks — a bit harder. And three shots that Dombrowski remembers tasting like gasoline. That was the last straw. Boswell and Dombrowski were supposed to race, but Dombrowski couldn’t get close to finishing. The music started playing and Dombrowski had to get in front of his teammates and colleagues and perform a striptease."
"Cycling is very much a team sport and the pressures to conform haven’t disappeared entirely. There was a pint of beer — that was easy. A couple of mixed drinks — a bit harder. And three shots that Dombrowski remembers tasting like gasoline. That was the last straw. Boswell and Dombrowski were supposed to race, but Dombrowski couldn’t get close to finishing. The music started playing and Dombrowski had to get in front of his teammates and colleagues and perform a striptease."
Oh dear.